Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Recent review on TripAdvisor.com

“Amazing views, excellent room and service”
5 of 5 starsReviewed 3 days agoNEW
There is little one can add to the positive reviews by others. This is an unusually fine place, with commanding views over the City of St. George to the east, including the distant highlands of Zion National Park. It literally is "on" the cliff, situated on a layer of lava atop a sandstone cliff, just across the street from what used to be the city's airport on the west edge of town. It is spotlessly clean and comfortable. The continental breakfast, consisting of orange juice, a sticky bun, and fruit cup with yogurt, was delivered each morning to the room. (The room already contains a refrigerator and coffee maker with tasty coffee.) The outdoor hot tub and pool were clean and refreshing. A welcoming and helpful staff is eager to please. One must spend at least one evening to have dinner at its 5-star restaurant, which offers similarly breathtaking views, whether one eats inside or on the deck. Reservations are advised. Time your meal to occur at sunset and you will be rewarded. As you consume delicious food while taking in the panorama, you are likely to thank your guardian angel for making this possible.

If you can spend time in the area, allow at least a day for visiting Zion National Park (more if possible), and a leisurely day to visit Snow Canyon, a 15--minute drive to the north of town. During spring and fall, a picnic at Snow Canyon is hard to beat.
Room Tip: All rooms have an ample balcony with patio furniture. It's hard to go wrong.


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